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As a pre-school, we have a wide range of policies that we strictly follow and maintain in order to ensure your child has the best possible early education. 

Local offer for Children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)

The aim of this document is to enable families to see the support that they would receive for their child within our setting. It will provide clear information about what we already have in place to enable all children to reach their full potential, as well as reassure you that we value each child

as being unique and endeavour to meet their individual needs. We are an inclusive setting with a wealth of experience in supporting and promoting children’s needs, learning and development. We have had a range of children access our setting with a variety of needs; medical, physical and developmental..

How does Fyfield Village Pre-School know if a child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs or disabilities?

At Fyfield Village Pre-School every child is allocated a key worker. Their role is to make regular observations on the child linked to the *EYFS ages

and stages of development. These observations will help identify individual needs which the key worker will discuss with the **SENCo and yourself and plan with you to support your child’s learning and development.

Our SENCo will offer support and advice to yourself and all staff within the setting and will also liaise with other professionals to seek advice and support in identifying individual needs if necessary, with your permission. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s development you can speak to your child’s key worker or the setting’s SENCo.

How will Fyfield Village Pre-School support my child?

On our registration form you will be asked to specify any Educational or Disability needs you know your child has. We will then discuss this with you before your child starts.

When you and your child start at Fyfield Village Pre-School you will be asked to complete an All About Me Profile. This will detail anything you feel will help us care for your child.
We will work with you, your child and the SENCo to set up a One Plan. Observations, assessments and evaluations will contribute to your child’s One Plan and your child’s key worker will oversee the next steps. We will work in partnership with you, reviewing the One Plan and planning together and we will give you new ideas to use at home to support your child.
With your permission we will contact outside agencies, if required, either for advice or to make a referral with any concerns. We will implement strategies and advice offered as appropriate.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

Your child’s key worker and SENCo will work together to ensure the environment, activities and routines support your child’s needs. They will communicate with the rest of the staff to provide consistency and understanding within our team.


How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

At Fyfield Village Pre-School we have an open door policy whereby your child’s key worker is available to discuss your child’s progress and development.
Your child is regularly monitored and all observations/assessments will provide the basis for parent consultations throughout the year. We carry out

2 main assessments:
- the EYFS 2 year progress check  which consists of a short written summary of a child’s development when they are between 24 and 36 months
- the EYFS profile, which summarises and describes a child’s attainment whilst at our setting and this is continued at primary school up until the end of reception year.

We offer parent helper sessions which allow you to stay and help and see how your child is developing in the setting. We have a WOW board where you are encouraged to share your child’s development and achievements such as sleeping in a big bed, swimming with no armbands or drinking from an open cup. These successes are then used by your child’s key worker to enhance your child’s learning.
We have termly newsletters (emailed) which give an overview of the activities the children will participate in and any future activities which are planned. 

What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

We offer settling in sessions which will enable your child to familiarise themselves with the setting and the staff. This is also a good opportunity for you to discuss any concerns/needs with staff.
Fyfield Village Pre-School follow the safeguarding, welfare and learning and development requirements of the EYFS framework. These policies, as well as all our other policies, are available to view within the setting and on our website.
We will make reasonable adjustments to promote equality of opportunity for all children and will take steps to ensure that children with medical conditions get the support required to meet their needs.
Risk assessments are carried out daily and reviewed weekly.
Children are signed in and out of the setting and only allowed out of the setting with a named person whom is known to staff; unless by prior arrangement or in an emergency.


What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Fyfield Village Pre-School?

We work with all professionals as required by individual children and always encourage these professionals to come into the setting to visit the child. Parental permission is always sought before advice/referrals are made.
The local Children’s Centre offer monthly drop-in sessions for you to access with your child. The staff at the Children’s Centre have a wealth of information which staff at Fyfield Village Pre-School can access.
All staff training can be viewed at your request.


What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or having?

Most staff are trained to, or working towards, at least NVQ Level 3. They all have years of experience with working with children between the ages of 2 years and 5 years, as well as being parents themselves. At each session there is at least one member of staff who is paediatric first aid qualified on duty at all times, this is updated at least every 3 years.  One staff member has completed the SEN code of practice training and two are Level 3 qualified SENCo’s.
All staff regularly attend training on various subjects and cascade the information received to all other staff members.
We have a wide support network outside of the preschool and can contact any service for advice or to make a referral. Services include; Speech and Language therapists, Teachers, Health Visitors and Children’s Centres. Further training will be sought and accessed to support an identified SEND.  

How will my child be included in activities outside Fyfield Village Pre-School including trips?

All children are included in trips regardless of needs. Parents are informed of the trip and risk assessments are completed before the trip. Volunteers from the children’s families are requested to assist with the trip. On all trips at least one Paediatric First Aid trained member of staff will accompany the group. A mobile phone, contact details of all children, a register and a first aid box will always be taken on trips.


How accessible is the Fyfield Village Pre-School environment? Both indoors and outdoors?

Our building and toilets are fully wheelchair accessible. The outside area has steps to the garden but we do have access to a ramp. Photographs of the preschool toys and resources are used within the setting to help children communicate.


How will Fyfield Village Pre-School prepare and support my child to join the preschool and/or transfer to a new setting/school?

We offer settling in sessions where you can bring your child to play before they officially start so your child can become familiar with the setting and the staff. We are flexible and have many strategies we use to help your child settle.
When going to school, your child will make visits to their new school to meet their new Teacher. Their new teacher is very welcome to visit Fyfield Village Pre-School to meet the children and talk to their key worker.

How are Fyfield Village Pre-School’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?

We carefully assess, monitor and review each individual’s needs. Resources are then allocated so that all children can have full access to the equipment and setting’s area of learning.
We are a small company with limited funds, however we are able to apply for funding to support individual children as required; this could be for equipment or one to one support. We would also ensure staff attend any specific training as necessary.


How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The key worker will make regular observations linked to the EYFS ages and stages of development. With yourself and the setting’s SENCo the setting will identify what support is required. Extra support, if necessary, will be put in place.
A One Plan will be put in place by the key worker, SENCo and yourself. The SENCo will give advice on meeting your child’s needs within the setting. Reports from professionals working with your child will be used to plan support within the setting. The keyworker will keep all staff up to date with children’s needs during the session  and all staff have a reasonability to  make written observations during the session. This will ensure all staff working with your child knows your child’s strengths and needs and how to support them.


How are parents involved in Fyfield Village Pre-School? How can I be involved?

We have a parent helper rota whereby you are welcome to come into the setting to play, read to the children or demonstrate a skill (cooking, playing

a musical instrument).
We do lots of events which include parents and other family members including sports day, Christmas show etc.

Who can I contact for further information?

More detailed information is available in our policies which are located within our parent’s table and on our website.
The local Children’s Centre’s have Family Link Workers who can support families with all processes at home and within the setting. They can help with forms, computer/internet access and guidance on when to access support and funding.

Once your child has started at the preschool they will be allocated a key worker to support them and you will be able to discuss any concerns or progress with them as well as the manager/SENCo at any time. 

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